Dream: I am in a room where there is a man in the corner crying. I can feel that he is in deep pain. I feel sad too but not at the same level as him. My friend Jane is sitting in the room at a table. I walk over and sit down with her and whisper something to her about my daughter. I start to cry a little but my sadness seems so small compared to the man’s.

The animus shows up as the man in the corner crying. He feels deeply for me and wants me to feel too. I am able to feel to some extent but then I distract myself by talking to Jane about my daughter. Instead of feeling the feelings myself, I project them away from me. The feelings go outside of me and get lost. I need to find a way to keep them inside and feel them. This is a process that takes time. I am starting to feel more now and so I am moving in the right direction.

This dream comes to me in my waking life at times when I have a feeling welling up inside me. I remember the man in the corner, which brings me to a deeper place.