Dream: I see an odd woman who is mostly bald except for some bright blue curly hair on the sides and back of her head. There is another woman standing next to me. She goes over to talk to the blue haired lady. I don’t get it. Why would she be so interested in connecting with this weird lady? I don’t go over to talk to the blue haired lady. I feel repulsed by her.

When I wake up from this dream, I think about the blue haired lady and feel perfectly justified in my decision to shun her. She is obviously very odd. It makes sense that I wouldn’t want to talk to her. Even though Rodger only makes a brief reference to this dream in the session, the point of it stings. In the dream I am judging the woman with the blue hair as undesirable simply based on her physical appearance. This is hard to hear since I don’t see myself that way. I have always been proud of my non-judgmental nature. But the dreams don’t lie do they? The dream portrays something about me that I would never want to admit. Not even to myself. Maybe I do judge based on appearance. I will have to be on the look out for it.

I also judge the other woman who connects with the blue haired lady. I feel annoyed that she wants to talk to her. Now it occurs to me that maybe the woman is modeling true non-judgmental behavior for me. I don’t get it in the dream, but I get it now.