Dream: I am 15 years old. I go to my teacher to talk to him about my low science grade. I love the teacher and he loves me. As I stand there with him, I feel a strong connection between us. I don’t feel worried about my grade anymore. Next, I get my report card and I decide I don’t want to show it to anyone. I am afraid of what the response will be.

This starts off great because I am the girl. I am with an archetypal man who Rodger thinks is the father archetype. He’s a new one. The father is wise and loving and I am connecting with him. His presence helps me let go of any worries about grades, which measure approval from the outside world. I can sense his strong love despite my low science grade. But once I get my report card, the love feeling disappears and fear replaces it. I want to hide the report card. Sadly, the need for approval wins out. We talk about how this plays out in my life. Hiding is showing up again. Am I still hiding, worrying about other’s approval? Damn! That hiding issue again!! How annoying. I thought I was done with that.  I need to be honest with myself and see where it is still showing up. Apparently the pathology doesn’t give up that easily. What the dream shows is that when the hiding pathology shows up, the connection with the father disappears.